Container Platforms and Best Practices

Container, Platforms and Best Practices

This blog post talks about some important questions around containers such as why should you consider containerizing applications, which applications can / cannot be containerize?, best practices and various orchestration platform options available etc.

Automated Form Processing using Azure AI and Power Platform

Automated Document/Form Processing using Azure AI technologies

Still dealing manually with forms and documents?

Digitizing forms manually can be a tedious and error-prone job.

Why not leveraging power of
Microsoft Azure Artificial Intelligence and Microsoft Power Platform?

With these technologies, you can quickly automate the
process of extracting information from documents and forms, process it and store it in
a database for further processing, analytics, visualization and reporting.

Application Modernization

Application Modernization

A must read about application modernization, its need and approach.

Hybrid, Multicloud Management

Unified Monitoring, Management and Governance for Hybrid, Distributed and Multi Clouds

What will be covered in this post Foreword: What will be covered in this blog post. Hybrid, Distributed-Cloud and Multi-cloud […]